Extbase Variable Dump
array(8 items)
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 gibt es zum Anstoßen.
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 rtel entstanden. Mitten in der Fußgängerzone beeindruckt moderne Architektu
 r mit großzügigen Glasfassaden, viel Licht und viel Raum.
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 gibt es zum Anstoßen.
' (174 chars)
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 r mit großzügigen Glasfassaden, viel Licht und viel Raum.
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 gibt es zum Anstoßen.
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachtsbuzzern-tag-1' (31 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-92__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachtsbuzzern-tag-2' (31 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-91__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachtsbaeckerei' (27 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-89__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/lichterfest' (19 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/375-jahre-westfaelischer-frieden' (40 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-97__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachts-schluessel' (29 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-100__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachtsaktion' (24 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-101__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/knut-weihnachtsbaumweitwurf-mit-ikea' (44 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-111__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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url => protected'/events/eroeffnung-media-markt' (30 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-112__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-9feb3f4c0660168de4891e9707986c14 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/einstimmung-auf-20-jahre-kamp-promenade' (47 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-113__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/spektakel-zur-mai-woche' (31 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-69__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/muttertag' (17 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-88__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/westfalentag-gewinnspiel' (32 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-114__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/fussball-europa-meisterschaft-2024' (42 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-117__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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url => protected'/events/endlich-urlaub' (22 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-79__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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url => protected'/events/20-jahre-kamp-promenade' (31 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-121__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-122__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
menu-generated-links-7e72b8c6a492a6e4fe4c8ed636e44785 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/moonlight-shopping-kpo' (30 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-124__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/lichterfest-kpo' (23 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-125__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-88f6a4b0e0bc092956bd48eed7385378 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachtsbaeckerei-kpo' (31 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-127__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachtsbuzzern' (25 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-126__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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url => protected'/events/weihnachts-post' (23 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-128__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-5ea3fbc8eda84510093382fff223f9cd => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachts-familienfoto' (31 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-129__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/events/weihnachts-schluessel-kpo' (33 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-10__0_0_0_0 => array(2 items)
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-7__0_0_0_0 => array(2 items)
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-58-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-107-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-59-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-15-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-119-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-120-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
rootline-localcache-58__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-64cafb91f04da446f2454f34b6cd3eb5 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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url => protected'/karriere/aushilfen-im-verkauf-leos' (35 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-107__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-59__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/karriere/filialleitung-blume-2000' (34 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-15__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-c650b19190e5c56c0864b6f9acfe62cf => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/karriere/florist-blume-2000' (28 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-119__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/karriere/verkaeufer-tally-weijl' (32 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-120__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/karriere/flexible-aushilfe-tally-weijl' (39 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-11__0_0_0_0 => array(2 items)
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-9__0_0_0_0 => array(2 items)
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
menucontentobject-is-submenu-pages-next-level-2-4c5a91ee2dc42d00e356eb70e3675f87c0cd5b62 => array(empty)
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-109-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-106-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-94-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-93-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-46-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-50-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-53-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
rootline-localcache-109__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-1d0e9aa1c932445053eebc93d6bcb61c => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-106__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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url => protected'/news/parken-mit-kennzeichenerkennung' (37 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-94__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-93__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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url => protected'/news/375-jahre-westfaelischer-frieden' (38 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
rootline-localcache-6__0_0_0_0 => array(2 items)
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_40 => FALSE
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PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_16 => FALSE
PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_20 => FALSE
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PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_23 => FALSE
PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_22 => FALSE
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PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_27 => FALSE
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PageRepository_getMountPointInfo_39 => FALSE
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110 => array(9 items)max depth
16 => array(9 items)max depth
20 => array(9 items)max depth
41 => array(9 items)max depth
21 => array(9 items)max depth
42 => array(9 items)max depth
44 => array(9 items)max depth
23 => array(9 items)max depth
22 => array(9 items)max depth
43 => array(9 items)max depth
24 => array(9 items)max depth
26 => array(9 items)max depth
27 => array(9 items)max depth
28 => array(9 items)max depth
29 => array(9 items)max depth
30 => array(9 items)max depth
31 => array(9 items)max depth
32 => array(9 items)max depth
33 => array(9 items)max depth
34 => array(9 items)max depth
35 => array(9 items)max depth
36 => array(9 items)max depth
37 => array(9 items)max depth
38 => array(9 items)max depth
39 => array(9 items)max depth
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-17-0 => array(1 item)
result => TRUE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-18-0 => array(1 item)
result => TRUE
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flags => protected1 (integer)
menucontentobject-is-submenu-pages-next-level-3-7f559438500c0fce89ae43cd07212dabce40a77c => array(empty)
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-110-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-16-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-20-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-21-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-23-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-22-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-24-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-26-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-27-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-28-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-29-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-30-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-31-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-32-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-33-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-34-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-35-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-36-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-37-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-38-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-39-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
rootline-localcache-110__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-20__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-21__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
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3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-28__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-29__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-30__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-31__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-32__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-33__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-34__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-68b9bab8bd94a0ce503e80ea82b6eb08 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/shops/shopping/tally-weijl' (27 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-35__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-b7e7e653d01969746b2ff10d5a456171 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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url => protected'/shops/shopping/barmer' (22 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-36__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-37__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-9eeb9af67b5ab856d38d29eb5124d190 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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url => protected'/shops/shopping/new-york-nails' (30 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-38__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-62d3a4098db0f16d343131ef57060cc3 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-39__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-a17ecf2477d440af6542e61d0d19f6f6 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/shops/shopping/cybob' (21 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-18__0_0_0_0 => array(3 items)
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-45714ef2fced85408f8529d4d3f149f8 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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flags => protected1 (integer)
menucontentobject-is-submenu-pages-next-level-3-6752df8e92cc2e8cef368f12f1a12e269550c3b8 => array(empty)
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-40-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-41-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-42-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-44-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
menucontentobject-is-submenu-decision-43-0 => array(1 item)
result => FALSE
rootline-localcache-40__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-41__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-3408bd859625b299d1d98368216da555 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-42__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-f51e71f759a0abf9d1487a3e82b1e664 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkText => protected'|' (1 chars)
linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-44__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-54d8597a7461cae8ae942071f0b7f6cf => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
url => protected'/shops/gastronomie/starbucks' (28 chars)
target => protected'' (0 chars)
additionalAttributes => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-43__0_0_0_0 => array(4 items)
3 => array(76 items)max depth
2 => array(76 items)max depth
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-c390349367e1455f4833d7ed33afe684 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
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target => protected'' (0 chars)
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linkConfiguration => protectedarray(4 items)max depth
flags => protected1 (integer)
rootline-localcache-12__0_0_0_0 => array(2 items)
1 => array(76 items)max depth
0 => array(76 items)max depth
menu-generated-links-e0942321668dacd615d190d4e5d01746 => TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Typolink\LinkResultprototypeobject
type => protected'page' (4 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-reports/' (46 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-redirects/' (48 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-seo/' (42 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-linkvalidator/' (52 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-indexed-search/' (53 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-reactions/' (48 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-recycler/' (47 chars)
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22 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-setup/' (44 chars)
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-rte-ckeditor/' (51 chars)
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-sys-note/' (47 chars)
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25 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-webhooks/' (47 chars)
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26 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-belog/' (44 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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27 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-beuser/' (45 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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28 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'extensionmanager' (16 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-extensionmanager/' (55 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
29 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'felogin' (7 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-felogin/' (46 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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30 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'filemetadata' (12 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-filemetadata/' (51 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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31 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-opendocs/' (47 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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32 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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partOfMinimalUsableSystem => protectedFALSE
serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'tstemplate' (10 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-tstemplate/' (49 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
33 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
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packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-viewpage/' (47 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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34 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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packageKey => protected'workspaces' (10 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/typo3/cms-workspaces/' (49 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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35 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
partOfFactoryDefault => protectedFALSE
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'container' (9 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/b13/container/' (42 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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36 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'site_package' (12 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/cybob/site-package/' (47 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
37 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'content_slug' (12 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/sebkln/content-slug/' (48 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
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38 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'kamp_site_package' (17 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/cybob/kamp-site-package/' (52 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
39 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protected'T3\Dce\ServiceProvider' (22 chars)
packageKey => protected'dce' (3 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/t3/dce/' (35 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
40 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'content_defender' (16 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/ichhabrecht/content-defender/' (57 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
41 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
partOfFactoryDefault => protectedFALSE
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serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'form_element_linked_checkbox' (28 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/tritum/form-element-linked-checkbox/' (64 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
42 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
partOfFactoryDefault => protectedFALSE
partOfMinimalUsableSystem => protectedFALSE
serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'powermail' (9 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/in2code/powermail/' (46 chars)
isRelativePackagePath => protectedFALSE
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
43 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
partOfFactoryDefault => protectedFALSE
partOfMinimalUsableSystem => protectedTRUE
serviceProvider => protected'Helhum\Typo3Console\ServiceProvider' (35 chars)
packageKey => protected'typo3_console' (13 chars)
packagePath => protected'vendor/helhum/typo3-console/' (28 chars)
isRelativePackagePath => protectedTRUE
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
44 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\Packageprototypeobject
partOfFactoryDefault => protectedFALSE
partOfMinimalUsableSystem => protectedFALSE
serviceProvider => protecteduninitialized
packageKey => protected'ws_scss' (7 chars)
packagePath => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/vendor/wapplersystems/ws-scss/' (51 chars)
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composerManifest => protectedstdClassprototypeobjectmax depth
packageMetaData => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\MetaDataprototypeobjectmax depth
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cacheEntryFileExtension => protected'' (0 chars)
cacheEntryIdentifiers => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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cacheIdentifier => protected'assets' (6 chars)
context => protected'production' (10 chars)
defaultLifetime => protected0 (integer)
cacheIdentifier => protected'ImportMap_c6b615a847b8d719' (26 chars)
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TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Authentication\ModifyResolvedFrontendGroupsEvent => 1 (integer)
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TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\Event\AfterStdWrapFunctionsInitializedEvent => 1016 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\Event\AfterGetDataResolvedEvent => 23 (integer)
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TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\Event\AfterStdWrapFunctionsExecutedEvent => 1015 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Event\FilterMenuItemsEvent => 71 (integer)
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TYPO3\CMS\Core\LinkHandling\Event\AfterLinkResolvedByStringRepresentationEvent => 97 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Event\ModifyPageLinkConfigurationEvent => 97 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Event\AfterLinkIsGeneratedEvent => 97 (integer)
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TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\AfterResourceStorageInitializationEvent => 1 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\EnrichFileMetaDataEvent => 1 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\BeforeFileProcessingEvent => 1 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Event\AfterFileProcessingEvent => 1 (integer)
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TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\Event\ModifyRecordsAfterFetchingContentEvent => 2 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Event\Configuration\BeforeFlexFormConfigurationOverrideEvent => 1 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Event\Mvc\BeforeActionCallEvent => 1 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Event\Persistence\ModifyQueryBeforeFetchingObjectDataEvent => 2 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Event\Persistence\ModifyResultAfterFetchingObjectDataEvent => 2 (integer)
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Event\Persistence\AfterObjectThawedEvent => 13 (integer)
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container => protectedDependencyInjectionContainer_c6b615a847b8d719prototypeobjectmax depth
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applyNonceHint => protectedFALSE
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generic => array(1 item)
module => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\GenericMetaTagManager' (44 chars)
html5 => array(3 items)
module => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\Html5MetaTagManager' (42 chars)
before => array(1 item)
0 => 'generic' (7 chars)
after => array(empty)
edge => array(3 items)
module => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\EdgeMetaTagManager' (41 chars)
before => array(1 item)
0 => 'generic' (7 chars)
after => array(empty)
opengraph => array(3 items)
module => 'TYPO3\CMS\Seo\MetaTag\OpenGraphMetaTagManager' (45 chars)
before => array(1 item)
0 => 'generic' (7 chars)
after => array(empty)
twitter => array(3 items)
module => 'TYPO3\CMS\Seo\MetaTag\TwitterCardMetaTagManager' (47 chars)
before => array(1 item)
0 => 'generic' (7 chars)
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instances => privatearray(5 items)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\EdgeMetaTagManager => TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\EdgeMetaTagManagerprototypeobject
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properties => protectedarray(empty)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\Html5MetaTagManager => TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\Html5MetaTagManagerprototypeobject
handledProperties => protectedarray(17 items)
application-name => array(empty)max depth
author => array(empty)max depth
description => array(empty)max depth
generator => array(empty)max depth
keywords => array(empty)max depth
referrer => array(empty)max depth
content-language => array(1 item)max depth
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refresh => array(1 item)max depth
set-cookie => array(1 item)max depth
content-security-policy => array(1 item)max depth
viewport => array(empty)max depth
robots => array(empty)max depth
expires => array(1 item)max depth
cache-control => array(1 item)max depth
pragma => array(1 item)max depth
defaultNameAttribute => protected'name' (4 chars)
defaultContentAttribute => protected'content' (7 chars)
defaultAllowMultipleOccurrences => protectedFALSE
subPropertySeparator => protected':' (1 chars)
properties => protectedarray(1 item)
generator => array(1 item)max depth
TYPO3\CMS\Seo\MetaTag\OpenGraphMetaTagManager => TYPO3\CMS\Seo\MetaTag\OpenGraphMetaTagManagerprototypeobject
defaultNameAttribute => protected'property' (8 chars)
handledProperties => protectedarray(10 items)
og:type => array(empty)max depth
og:title => array(empty)max depth
og:description => array(empty)max depth
og:site_name => array(empty)max depth
og:url => array(empty)max depth
og:audio => array(empty)max depth
og:video => array(empty)max depth
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og:image => array(2 items)max depth
defaultContentAttribute => protected'content' (7 chars)
defaultAllowMultipleOccurrences => protectedFALSE
subPropertySeparator => protected':' (1 chars)
properties => protectedarray(empty)
TYPO3\CMS\Seo\MetaTag\TwitterCardMetaTagManager => TYPO3\CMS\Seo\MetaTag\TwitterCardMetaTagManagerprototypeobject
handledProperties => protectedarray(8 items)
twitter:card => array(empty)max depth
twitter:site => array(1 item)max depth
twitter:creator => array(1 item)max depth
twitter:description => array(empty)max depth
twitter:title => array(empty)max depth
twitter:image => array(1 item)max depth
twitter:player => array(1 item)max depth
twitter:app => array(1 item)max depth
defaultNameAttribute => protected'name' (4 chars)
defaultContentAttribute => protected'content' (7 chars)
defaultAllowMultipleOccurrences => protectedFALSE
subPropertySeparator => protected':' (1 chars)
properties => protectedarray(empty)
TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\GenericMetaTagManager => TYPO3\CMS\Core\MetaTag\GenericMetaTagManagerprototypeobject
subPropertySeparator => protected':' (1 chars)
properties => protectedarray(empty)
managers => privatearray(5 items)
assetRenderer => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\AssetRendererprototypeobject
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javaScripts => protectedarray(empty)
inlineJavaScripts => protectedarray(empty)
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inlineStyleSheets => protectedarray(empty)
media => protectedarray(1 item)
/fileadmin/media/logos/farbig/kamp-promenade-logo.svg => array(6 items)
0 => 817 (integer)
1 => 418 (integer)
2 => 'svg' (3 chars)
3 => '/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/public//fileadmin/media/logos/farbig/kamp-promenade-log
' (81 chars)
origFile => '/fileadmin/media/logos/farbig/kamp-promenade-logo.svg' (53 chars)
origFile_mtime => 1663918555 (integer)
resourceCompressor => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceCompressorprototypeobject
targetDirectory => protected'typo3temp/assets/compressed/' (28 chars)
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createGzipped => protectedFALSE
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gzipCompressionLevel => protected-1 (integer)
htaccessTemplate => protected'<FilesMatch "\.(js|css)(\.gz)?$"> <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive
 on ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 days" </IfModule> FileETag MTime Size <
' (164 chars)
initialized => protectedFALSE
relativeCssPathFixer => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\RelativeCssPathFixerprototypeobject
languageServiceFactory => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\LanguageServiceFactoryprototypeobject
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streamFactory => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\StreamFactoryprototypeobject
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tagsTable => protected'cache_pages_tags' (16 chars)
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cacheIdentifier => protected'pages' (5 chars)
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logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobject
name => protected'TYPO3.CMS.Core.Cache.Backend.Typo3DatabaseBackend' (49 chars)
requestId => protected'873c8b63461ac' (13 chars)
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writers => protectedarray(8 items)
emergency => array(2 items)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriterprototypeobjectmax depth
1 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
alert => array(2 items)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriterprototypeobjectmax depth
1 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
critical => array(2 items)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriterprototypeobjectmax depth
1 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
error => array(2 items)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriterprototypeobjectmax depth
1 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
warning => array(2 items)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriterprototypeobjectmax depth
1 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
notice => array(1 item)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
info => array(1 item)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
debug => array(1 item)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobjectmax depth
processors => protectedarray(empty)
contentType => protected'text/html; charset=utf-8' (24 chars)
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logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobject
name => protected'TYPO3.CMS.Frontend.Controller.TypoScriptFrontendController' (58 chars)
requestId => protected'873c8b63461ac' (13 chars)
minimumLogLevel => protected7 (integer)
writers => protectedarray(8 items)
emergency => array(2 items)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriterprototypeobject
logFile => protected'/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/var/log/typo3_b0e51f98e1.log' (49 chars)
logFileInfix => protected'' (0 chars)
defaultLogFileTemplate => protected'/log/typo3_%s.log' (17 chars)
logFileHandles => protectedarray(1 item)
/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/var/log/typo3_b0e51f98e1.log => resource
logFileHandlesCount => protectedarray(1 item)
/html/Kamp/typo3_v13/var/log/typo3_b0e51f98e1.log => 34 (integer)
1 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\InMemoryLogWritersingletonobject
log => privatearray(empty)
memoryLock => privateFALSE
alert => array(2 items)
critical => array(2 items)
error => array(2 items)
warning => array(2 items)
notice => array(1 item)
info => array(1 item)
debug => array(1 item)
processors => protectedarray(empty)
page => array(76 items)
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title => 'Moonlight-Shopping' (18 chars)
slug => '/events/moonlight-shopping-kpo' (30 chars)
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php_tree_stop => 0 (integer)
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media => 0 (integer)
lastUpdated => 0 (integer)
keywords => NULL
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cache_tags => '' (0 chars)
newUntil => 0 (integer)
description => 'Erstklassige Moonlight-Musik, illuminierte Stelzenläufer der Wunderwelten be
 eindrucken in der Dunkelheit und eine Cocktailbar mit köstlichen Mix-Drinks
 gibt es zum Anstoßen.
' (174 chars)
no_search => 0 (integer)
SYS_LASTCHANGED => 1724051368 (integer)
abstract => 'Gemeinsam mit Piet könnt Ihr Eure eigene Schultüte basteln.' (59 chars)
module => '' (0 chars)
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author_email => '' (0 chars)
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